As you likely know if you've read my blog before, I have spent the last decade or so creating courses to be viewed on Pluralsight. I love making these kinds of video-based courses, but I've decided to get back to instructor led training a bit.
I love that this job allows me to learn new stuff every day. In this case, I was building a simple API to use for some upcoming <a href="">Pluralsight</a> courses. I wanted to use Minimal APIs to expose some data for an old dataset from <a href="">FiveThirtyEight</a> on Bechdel Tests for Films. While I was adding paging, I got confused.
Minimal APIs in .NET 6 aren't even released yet, but I want to start thinking about how to structure larger projects. While Controllers are still a valid option, for medium size projects, you have options on how to structure your APIs.
.NET 6 Preview 6 is here. One of the big changes I'm looking forward to is how startup is changing. With this change, comes "Minimal APIs" too. While getting rid of the Startup class is a welcome change, I'm a little less excited about how Minimal APIs might be over-used.
Writing APIs have been a big part of my career. I've written COM, DCOM, XML based APIs, ISAPI Filters, SOAP, REST, gRPC, and others. A lot of this time a new technology in writing APIs has been chasing the new ‘cool’ technology that would fix everything.
I started writing services in websites back in the .NET 1.0 days. Originally I was doing just POX (Plain Old XML) services in a very crude way so we could get the job done for our internal systems back in the early 2000's.