Tag: 'objectspaces'

Mike Deems Responds (and then some)
Mike Deems Responds (and then some)
November 24, 2003

Url: http://anopinion.net/posts/285.aspx

Why is WinFS Using ObjectSpaces?
Why is WinFS Using ObjectSpaces?
November 22, 2003

In Luca Bolognese's PDC presentation on ObjectSpaces, he stated in a diagram that you should use ADO.NET's objects DataSets/DataReaders if "You require maximum control/performance/functionality" That seems to indicate that we should not use ObjectSpaces if performance, funcationality and control are a requirement.  If this is the case, it would seem that using ObjectSpaces in WinFS is very contrary.  WinFS has to be quick...not just fast...lightning fast.  We are talking about impatient users.