I have a handful of web projects that I maintain. Some of these are sites like the one for my films (Hello World Film and Don't Worry, I'm Fine) but some others are community projects like Atlanta Code Camp. I've battled with the best way to develop and deploy these projects for quite a while.
In this last post in the series, i'll show you how to use GitHub Actions to automate when you want to push a new version of your container to your Azure App Service.
I've been lazy. It's true. I've been waiting to setup CI/CD for a long time on my own project websites. While I've used Appveyor and others before, I wanted something easier to manage in one place. That's why I choose Github Actions!
As you might have heard, GitHub has created it's own package registry. On the face of it, it might just feel like an opportunity to get more 'buy-in' into using GitHub, but I think something else is going on.