Mijn Tirades en Tieren

XBox 360: Liquid Cooled?
XBox 360: Liquid Cooled?
13 mei 2005

Url: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/12/news_61...

Getting Ready for the Atlanta CodeCamp!
Getting Ready for the Atlanta CodeCamp!
11 mei 2005

Url: http://atlantacodecamp.com

New Article:  "SQL Server CLR Integration: Part 1"
New Article: "SQL Server CLR Integration: Part 1"
2 mei 2005

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1759,179167...

Guild Wars
Guild Wars
30 april 2005

Url: http://guildwars.com

SQL Server 2005 Omissions
SQL Server 2005 Omissions
29 april 2005

I've been digging deep into SQL Server 2005's CLR integration over the last few days.  I am surprised by several specific omissions.  My guess is that they have been dropped because of time constraints:

If You Attended my SQL Server 2005 CLR Talk Recently...
If You Attended my SQL Server 2005 CLR Talk Recently...
27 april 2005

Forget everything I told you.  It's all changed in the April CTP.  I hope to re-give this talk soon in the Atlanta area with the new bits.

CommentAPI is Now Supported
CommentAPI is Now Supported
26 april 2005

Task Manager Extension
Task Manager Extension
26 april 2005

Url: http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/W-P/system/taskmana...

New GamerTag
New GamerTag
24 april 2005

Url: http://xbox.com

Newsweek article on Tiger v. Longhorn
Newsweek article on Tiger v. Longhorn
24 april 2005

Url: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7613523/site/newsweek/

Just came back from "Sin City"!
Just came back from "Sin City"!
23 april 2005

Url: http://sincitythemovie.com

My Apologies to the Atlanta Developer Community
My Apologies to the Atlanta Developer Community
21 april 2005

Happy with my MCE!
Happy with my MCE!
20 april 2005

Url: http://microsoft.com/mediacenter

PSP Baby!
PSP Baby!
20 april 2005

Url: http://sony.com/psp

With HL2 finished, I finally get to play Halo 2
With HL2 finished, I finally get to play Halo 2
20 april 2005

Atlanta Nerd Dinner - April 21st
Atlanta Nerd Dinner - April 21st
14 april 2005

This month's geek dinner will be on April 21st.  Let's all meet 5 Season's Brewing Company at 6pm! 

My First Trip to Fry's
My First Trip to Fry's
14 april 2005

Url: http://www.fryselectronics.com

XBox Friends on MSN's IM?
XBox Friends on MSN's IM?
14 april 2005

I didn't notice this until today, but did you know that if you have MSN IM you can select the XBox tab and view your online XBox Live buddies?  Me either...

Longhorn taking a backseat to Tiger?
Longhorn taking a backseat to Tiger?
13 april 2005

Url: http://www.microsoftmonitor.com/archives/007717...

'Bout Time...Finally got my MCSD.NET
'Bout Time...Finally got my MCSD.NET
12 april 2005

Url: http://microsoft.com/mcp

Fun night with Atlanta MDF
Fun night with Atlanta MDF
12 april 2005

Url: http://www.atlantamdf.com

PureText 2.0
PureText 2.0
12 april 2005

Url: http://www.stevemiller.net/puretext/

7 april 2005

Url: http://monoppix.com

Quick new tip!
Quick new tip!
6 april 2005