Rants and Raves
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So it’s Christmas day and I received a RoboSapien from my brother. It takes me back to my first *‘Programmable’*toy back in the eighties. Much more limited than the RoboSapien, the Big Trak was a tank that you could specify it to move forward, back, turn left and right, and fire a fake laser:
In constrast, the RoboSapien has a much larger bank of operations, but still a pretty limited amount of task space. What I do like about the RoboSapien is the sound and touch sensors. This allows you to determine what to do during collision with objects or even let you create a robot watch dog. I can’t wait to finally get home to Atlanta to see how the cats like it ;)
This work by
Shawn Wildermuth
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
. Based on a work at